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office assistant, secretary,bar man

As we cross to this month let make it easier for trustedemploymentagencycb to get the rightfully way of employing applicant's for better jobs option am Mr Sunday trustedemploymentagencycb welcome you all .

receptionist, kitchen assistant, cleaner

Thank you for your messages - TRUSTED EMPLOYMENT AGENCYCB! Our service are:   EMPLOYMENT AGENCY SHORT LET APARTMENT Business entrepreneur. REAL Estate.(Mission statement,) At first Recruitment group we work hard to achieve our goals together as a team with a clear shared purpose we adapt to our client's changing needs as well changes in the market to make sure we are a business of growth success and happiness, (vision statement) designed for success engineered ,let us know how we might be o...

additional information

TRUSTED EMPLOYMENT AGENCY CB We are employment agency welcome you all to the best agency line of business in different locations and pertains we grant you access for further information visit us on WhatsApp at https://www.whatsapp.com/business/

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